
Tuesday, 17 December 2013

The last days of school...

The last day is in a few days so everyone in the school is shifting there things in there class room and also there is a new class room so they are moving tables and chairs inside there so next year kids are going to be in there.

There are classes that already finished shifting and playing sports out side and having share lunch and having free time  and playing dress as Santa and eat the chocolate and signing and finishing off there propley.

Thursday, 31 October 2013

Jet crash!!

Once upon a time in melbourne airport there was a plane the was taking off to England but the flight was delayed because there was something wrong with the engine so they had to wait a couple of hours.After the 2 hours of waiting the plane was ready to to take off then all the people went on the plane and the captain said fasten your seatbelts everybody then after they fasten their seatbelts the plane took off.

When the plane took off into the sky  something was wrong with the engine but the pilot didn't know that there was something the when they got feather and feather the engine had stopped running then the plane went down
and the captain said hold on we're going down so put on your face mask and then the plane landed in a jungle everyone was panicking and babies were crying. Then the co pilot bruce said calm down and we will try to get signal.

The pie couldn't get any signal so they went around the jungle as there walking they saw a beach and the walked on it then they saw a town feather away from where they were standing so the pilots ran back to the plane and got some rafts and told 4 people at a time to on the raft then some people had to go and wait on the beach and when the go to the town the pellets went to go and get help as they finished getting help there was boats that came and pick the rest up from the beach.

Friday, 25 October 2013

crime seen.

One day there was a man named Lee he owned a field.Lee was a man who grew vegetables and one day as he was picking vegetables he heard a sound in the bushes. Then Lee carried on picking.When he went inside to wash the vegetables he heard that sound again so he kept washing his vegetable. after he came back outside this an named Chan.

Chan was  a thief who liked to go around peoples  house and steal from their garden.Then Lee chased chan then chan stoled a punch of Carets and ran away to his secret hideout the Lee followed chan then when chan got to his secret hideout Lee ran back to his house to call the police.

Then Chan saw Lee running home.Chan Started eating fast. Then the cops came and Chan was not in his secret hideout.Chan went to go and look for some more food to steal but the police went to take all of Chan stuff that he stole from other people and returned them to there rightful owners

After Chan came back he notice that everything that he stole was gone.Then        Chan new who told on the cops.After Chan walk over to the person house  and     person name was Lee Chan asked lee if he rang the cops Then Lee said yes I did.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Thief & the good guy

One day there was a man named Lee he owed a field.Lee was man who grow vegetables and one day as Lee was picking vegetables he heard something in the busher’s then Lee carried on picking.When he went inside to wash the vegetables  then came back outside the saw this man named chan.

Chan was  a thief who liked to go around peoples  house and steal from their garden.Then Lee chased chan the chan hurried and stoled a punch of Carets and ran away to his secret hideout the Lee followed chan then when chan got to his secret hideout Lee ran back to his house to call the police.

Then Chan saw Lee running home. Chan Started eating fast then the cops came and Chan was not in his secret hideout. Chan went to go and look for some more food to steal but the police went take all of Chan stuff that he stole from other people.

After Chan came back he notice that everything that he stole was gone.Then        Chan new who told on the cops.After Chan walk over to the person house  and     person name was Lee Chan asked lee if he rang the cops Then Lee said yes I did.

Monday, 14 October 2013


Who's the biggest Animal?
Were would you milk a cow?
When might you feed a Animal?
What would you feed the Animal's?
Why can Chicken lay so much eggs a day?
How is it cows have milk in them?
Which Animal do we eat the most?

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Minecraft zues's Temple

I have been building a Ancient greece Temple and it's owned by a god named zues he is god of lightning .

Friday, 6 September 2013

Auckland vs Bay of Plenty.

On Saturday  me and my family went to go watch Auckland vs Bay of Plenty at Eden park I was excited that we were going.Then when we got there the security checked our bags but when the security finished checking our bags we went to scan our tickets at the gates.

After we got in I ran up the steps and i saw a guy who was selling auckland flags for free so i grabbed one and there was people selling lollipops  for free but i said no thank you. then we went to go and sit down at our sets.

When we went to go and sit they were still warming up so I went to go and get a hot dog and went back.When I got back they were counting down from 10 then the guy who was speaking said” 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1.Then the Auckland kick off.

Right after they kick off bay of Plenty had a run then there was a penelty so they took the kick and they got it. After 1 minutes later Auckland had the ball then  george moala ran up and pumped off this guy from Bay of Plenty.After 29 minutes later it was nearly half time so then the siren went off.

After 5 minutes Bay of Plenty kick off then then the Auckland guy ran thru the gap and was running then he offloaded it to his other player then passed it again the scored the try and it was 5 to 3 then the got the kick in so that the added 2 more points which makes 7 to 3.

Right after they keep going the auckland had scored try and bay of plenty scored tries the the siren went off then they kick it out and Auckland took the victory.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Rhyming Couplets.

A couplet is a two-line poem. The last word of each line rhymes.

1. I interesting book
so I took a look.

2. Chocolate rockets
  were in my pocket.

3. My crown
is brown.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Three little pig.

listen to ‘Three Little pigs’ on Audioboo
Once upon a time way way back in the olden days there were three little pigs who was moving out of their parents house to build there own house so they went off somewhere  far far  away.  then the little pigs split up and went to go and build their house.

After they split up they all made a house and the first one made theirs out of hay and the second made there one out of stick and the both of them didn't work out pretty good they both were blown down by the big bad wolf because there material was not good enough and couldn't handle the wind.

The third pig was lucky he had the best material out of all of them because he had brick and that was the hardest thing out of the two pigs whose house was blown down by the wolf.After he built his house the big bad wolf tried to have a go at bowing down his house and the big bad wolf didn’t blow a single brick down.

Moral of the story.
is don't rush your work.

Monday, 5 August 2013

The Wolf and Sheep's clothing.

listen to ‘The Wolf and Sheep's clothing ’ on Audioboo
Once upon a time back in the past there was a shepherd that lived on a farm and he had lots of sheep he looked after. There was also a wolf who  was hungry for meat so thought of an evil plan and his plan was to disguise himself with sheep’s wool that he found under a tree.

He went down the hill to  join the flock of sheep at the farm. When it got darker and darker the sheep started to get cold. The farmer came to pick a sheep to eat for dinner and he was looking for the fastest one that was there.

The one that the shepherd picked was the wolf.When they got 8in side the house the shepherd wife stabbed the wolf and the wolf died the when they took off the sheep skin the sheep wasn't a sheep it was actually the in disguise. moral of the story.
don't pretend to be something or someone you're not.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Sentence Mashup

I really can’t talk to you now because I do not have enough time.

Lucky we did not leave our umbrella at home.

When he moves to Chicago I will miss him.

They have left the key some wear that they can’t find it.

Friday, 5 July 2013

Maori colours


Tuesday, 2 July 2013

My trip to sea of life.

Yesterday on Monday July the 1st  we went to Kelly

Yesterday on Monday July the 1st  we went to Kelly Tarlton. To learn more about Antarctica  and how the animals hibernate and  what you have to wear to survive in  Antarctica. Then she told us about the orca and how it’s brainy especially.

The Gentoo  penguin shows off all the time when its gliding through the water but as well as king penguin it stands and thinks there royal.King penguin are different to Gentoo penguins because King penguins pick off their fur and grow new one every year.

When we were on the path that goes  around and circles.We saw lots of different kinds of fish that were their. The best fish was the Snapper because  I felt like eating it.When I nearly got to the end to get off I saw A huge Snapper.

The best part of the day was challenging who can leave their hand in the cold water the longest.Kris held his hand for thirty seconds well I held my hand for 25 seconds.Then Kris  had a challenge with Kevine then after a few seconds Kris pulled his hand out and Kevine won.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013


WALT Add detail to the end

Akiko works in a sushi bar where she cuts seaweed up,and puts rice and different meat in.

Baleen whales eat plankton and krill,because they have no teeth to eat big fish.

Learning my time tables is important,because it helps when you get up to divider bys

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Ernest Shackleton

Ernest Shackleton was an explorer.He went to     Antarctica and tried to make it to the center of the south pole.He could've made it but they had no food but just enough for some of Ernest Shackleton's men. so they turned back to the hut or if they kept going they will die of starvation .       
Calvin Ernest Shackleton from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

We are adding detail in the middle of sentences

WALT add detail in the middle of sentences.

Mr Burt, who  is our leader of our school, and is accomplished on the guitar,   
takes assemblies on Friday.

Mr Burt takes assemblies, every week just to see  all of the  kids at school on Friday.

Lots of people, from the pacific Island come and.  visit Auckland City in New Zealand.

Monday, 10 June 2013


We are doing Tangram a tangram is when you look at a house and you  cut out shapes and try to make the house out of shapes. Tangram is not just when you look at something and you paste shapes tangram is also a Chinese puzzle.  How you do it is first we coloured in the shapes and cut out them then we got some pva glue and paste it.

How you do it is first we colored in the shapes and cut out them then we got some pva glue and paste it onto the piece  of paper. Then we took a snap shot and post it on our blog.

Friday, 31 May 2013

Calvin adelie penguin story.

Calvin Antarctic Writing from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo Did you know the Female .Did you know the Female adelie penguins  go out for two months well they leave the male adelie penguins in the freezing snow blizzard. When the female adelie penguin comes back from two whole months the male adelie penguin is hungry so it go’s out to sea and eats.

Friday, 10 May 2013


Walt- We are leaning to summarise the main points of a paragraph

Seals are very fast in water but very clumsy on ice. All seals give birth to their born pups. They are graceful when they're in the water. They haul themselves onto the ice .

Crabeater Seals are the most common seals . There are 30 million seals in antarctica they don’t  eat crabs they eat krill.

Leopard seals hunt penguins underwater. When penguins are on ice they not afraid of them because seals don’t move very fast.

Weddell seals  are the only seals that can stay in antarctica. When it is winter well all the other seals go to a warmer place in the southern ocean.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Fia fia

One more week until Fia fia is started. It is the 60th Anniversary for
Pt England school has lots of  culture groups  are going to perform their item. All of the family and friends are going to watch them.

I am in the Tongan group and we are using wooden spears for our dance. Our dance is A war dance some of us just need to do our moves at the same time as all of us.

Monday, 18 March 2013


True Crew 2013 from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Our  camp concert video. I hope you like it.